A "House of Stories" and "Home of Hope" with home videos of Boccaccio's "Decamerone" and other stories to cheer people up during the Covid 19 quarantine - recorded by storytellers all over the world
Window Story: Dear Zoo
Window Story: Dear Zoo - Storyteller Pauline Godson Oyoo
Pauline Godson Oyoo retells a story for children written by Rod Campbell. Pauline is a teacher and the director of the Lighthouse Academy in Ontinyent, Valencia, in Spain, that teaches English via storytelling. Pauline was the pioneer in English storytelling at the public library in Ontinyent and has been using storytelling as a teaching tool for the past twenty years. She gives workshops and trainings for teacher training colleges, the University of Valencia and teacher training courses in the area and has written Arts and Crafts books with the Oxford University Press Spain with the New Think and Do arts project for the 5th and 6th primary school. Which is also aimed at teaching English as a second Language in Spain. The lighthouse Academy has a YouTube storytelling channel called ‘Storytime with Pauline’.
Window Story: The Brave Parrot
Window Story: The Brave Parrot - Storyteller Ramya Iyer
Indian Storyteller Ramya Iyer tells the Jataka Tale of the "Brave Parrot". The Jātaka tales are Indian stories dealing with the previous births of Gautama Buddha in both human and animal form. Ramya was born in Chennai, lives in Bangalore and considers herself to be a Mumbaikar by heart (grew up with wonderful people and became a person here) and a Bangalorean by soul (nudged to connect to herself here). She created a storytelling initiative on Facebook called ‘The Bright Lamp Storytells’ and is seeking to contribute to help people transform, heal and live fulfilling lives.
DECAMERONE 05/02 - Martuccio Gomito and Costanza
DECAMERONE 05/02 - Martuccio Gomito and Costanza - Storyteller Lakshmi V.
Lakshmi V., Indian "storypreneur and creator" based in Bengaluru, tells the story of Martuccio Gomito, who, being too poor, is not allowed to marry his wealthy love Costanza. Costanza tries to kill herself in despair, but destiny leads her to Martuccio who meanwhile has got rich and is finally able to make her his wife.
Lakshmi has founded her own venture Kathaa Yaana, ‘Kathaa’ meaning Story and ‘Yaana’ meaning Journey in the ancient language of India - Sanskrit.
Read the original story
in English / Italian:
in German:,+Giovanni/Novellensammlung/Das+Dekameron/Fünfter+Tag/Zweite+Geschichte
in French / Spanish:
DECAMERONE 10/01 - Messer Ruggieri and the King of Spain
DECAMERONE 10/01 - Messer Ruggieri and the King of Spain - Storyteller Lakshmi V. / Kathaa Yaana
Lakshmi V., Indian "storypreneur and creator" based in Bengaluru, tells the story about the noble-minded knight Messer Ruggieri who feels hurt by not receiving the king's signs of appreciation and recognition that he deserves. Whereupon the king shows him that this is no sign of his disdain or indifference, but just a matter of unfavorable cirumstances.
Lakshmi has founded her own venture Kathaa Yaana, ‘Kathaa’ meaning Story and ‘Yaana’ meaning Journey in the ancient language of India - Sanskrit.
Read the original story
in English / Italian:
in German:,+Giovanni/Novellensammlung/Das+Dekameron/Zehnter+Tag/Erste+Geschichte
in French / Spanish:
DECAMERONE 06/10 - Frate Cipolla
DECAMERONE 06/10 - Frate Cipolla - Storyteller: Mario Costanzi
This is a very special gift to the DE-CAMERA-NE House of Stories: Mario Costanzi is an Italian composer, musician, music teacher and therapist, researcher, philosopher - and priest who dedicates all his service to art and music. He has been composing for musicals and theatre performances all around Italy since 1985 and has also published several CDs. For the "Quarantine Stories" of the Italian Company Raccontamiunastoria he transformed the "Decamerone's" funny 10th novella of the sixth day into a song. For the DE-CAMERA-NE House of Stories he performed it in the town where the story takes place: in Certaldo, where Boccaccio was born in 1313 and died in 1375. He recorded the song about "Frate Cipolla" ("Brother Onion") who promises to show the people of Certaldo a feather of the angel Gabriel, in the "Casa del Bocaccio" where the poet spent the last part of his life. The house is now a museum and the seat of the Centro Nazionale di Studi sul Boccaccio.
Casa del Boccaccio:
This is a very special gift to the DE-CAMERA-NE House of Stories: Mario Costanzi is an Italian composer, musician, music teacher and therapist, researcher, philosopher - and priest who dedicates all his service to art and music. He has been composing for musicals and theatre performances all around Italy since 1985 and has also published several CDs. For the "Quarantine Stories" of the Italian Company Raccontamiunastoria he transformed the "Decamerone's" funny 10th novella of the sixth day into a song. For the DE-CAMERA-NE House of Stories he performed it in the town where the story takes place: in Certaldo, where Boccaccio was born in 1313 and died in 1375. He recorded the song about "Frate Cipolla" ("Brother Onion") who promises to show the people of Certaldo a feather of the angel Gabriel, in the "Casa del Bocaccio" where the poet spent the last part of his life. The house is now a museum and the seat of the Centro Nazionale di Studi sul Boccaccio.
Casa del Boccaccio:
DECAMERONE 01/03 - The three rings / Die drei Ringe / I tre anelli
DECAMERONE 01/03 - The three rings - Storyteller Martina Pisciali
Martina Pisciali from the South Tyrol tells the tale of the three rings dealing with the question which of the three great religions - judaism, christianity or islam - is the right one. She tells the novel in the two languages that are spoken in the South Tyrol, German and Italian. Martina is a memeber of the company Raccontamiunastoria that is touring internationally with the Decameron. She is also the founder of the company Storytelling Torino and cooperates with the Sagapó teatro that published several storytelling podcasts on YouTube during the Covid 19 lockdown.
Martina Pisciali from the South Tyrol tells the tale of the three rings dealing with the question which of the three great religions - judaism, christianity or islam - is the right one. She tells the novel in the two languages that are spoken in the South Tyrol, German and Italian. Martina is a memeber of the company Raccontamiunastoria that is touring internationally with the Decameron. She is also the founder of the company Storytelling Torino and cooperates with the Sagapó teatro that published several storytelling podcasts on YouTube during the Covid 19 lockdown.
Window Story: Mahishasura and Durga
Window Story: Mahishasura and Durga - Storyteller Mareike Tiede
Austrian storyteller Mareike Tiede and bansuri player Rina Killmeyer build a bridge between cultures offering the indian legend of the buffalo demon Mahishasura and his fight against the Goddess Durga.
Rina studied the bansuri in India with teachers like the world famous Maestro Pandit Hariprasad Chausrasia at Gurukuö Vrindavan in Mumbai and is the founder and managing director of "Raga - Association for the Promotion of Indian Music in Vienna".
Austrian storyteller Mareike Tiede and bansuri player Rina Killmeyer build a bridge between cultures offering the indian legend of the buffalo demon Mahishasura and his fight against the Goddess Durga.
Rina studied the bansuri in India with teachers like the world famous Maestro Pandit Hariprasad Chausrasia at Gurukuö Vrindavan in Mumbai and is the founder and managing director of "Raga - Association for the Promotion of Indian Music in Vienna".
DECAMERONE 09,06 - The Merry Guest House
DECAMERONE Day 9, Story 6 - The Merry Guest House - Storyteller Carola Bambas
German actress, theater pedagogue and storyteller Carola Bambas who during the Covid 19 crisis created her own channel of "impulse stories" tells the tale of two young men who lodge at an inn: One of them lies with the host's daughter while the host's wife by inadvertence finds herself lying with the other...
German actress, theater pedagogue and storyteller Carola Bambas who during the Covid 19 crisis created her own channel of "impulse stories" tells the tale of two young men who lodge at an inn: One of them lies with the host's daughter while the host's wife by inadvertence finds herself lying with the other...
DECAMERONE 02/10 Bartolomea Gualandi
DECAMERONE 2/10 - Bartolomea Gualandi - Storyteller Paola Balbi
Italian actress and storyteller Paola Balbi tells the story of one of the foremothers of her own family, Bartolomea Gualandi, the wife of Messer Ricciardi di Chinzica. Bartolomea is robbed from her husband by Paganino de Monaco. The husband asks Paganino to give her back. Paganino consents, provided she be willing.
Paola Balbi lives in Italy and in the United Arab Emirates. During the Covid 19 lockdown she initiated, together with her storytelling company Raccontaminunastoria, the project "Quarantine Stories. Fighting Fear with Culture" on Facebook and YouTube.
Italian actress and storyteller Paola Balbi tells the story of one of the foremothers of her own family, Bartolomea Gualandi, the wife of Messer Ricciardi di Chinzica. Bartolomea is robbed from her husband by Paganino de Monaco. The husband asks Paganino to give her back. Paganino consents, provided she be willing.
Paola Balbi lives in Italy and in the United Arab Emirates. During the Covid 19 lockdown she initiated, together with her storytelling company Raccontaminunastoria, the project "Quarantine Stories. Fighting Fear with Culture" on Facebook and YouTube.
Window Story - Bunny in Lockdown
Window Story - Bunny in Lockdown - Storyteller Meher Gehi
Indian storyteller Meher Gehi tells a story dedicated to the little kids who are holding up so strong in today's challenging times. It is an adaptation of Susan Perrow's story "The little gnome who had to stay at home".
Indian storyteller Meher Gehi tells a story dedicated to the little kids who are holding up so strong in today's challenging times. It is an adaptation of Susan Perrow's story "The little gnome who had to stay at home".
DECAMERONE 06/04: Chichibio and the Crane
DECAMERONE Day 6, Story 4: Chichibio and the Crane
Most stories of Boccaccio's Decameron are definitely not appropriate for childrens' ears, but the ne about Chichibio's crane amuses also kids. Meet the Italian brother of the Brothers Grimms' "Clever Gretel" in a bilingual (English-Italian) live performance of Alice Bianchi-Clark and her gifted 9-year-old son, Edward Lysander Clark at the 389.2 Storytelling Festival 2019 in Singapore.
Most stories of Boccaccio's Decameron are definitely not appropriate for childrens' ears, but the ne about Chichibio's crane amuses also kids. Meet the Italian brother of the Brothers Grimms' "Clever Gretel" in a bilingual (English-Italian) live performance of Alice Bianchi-Clark and her gifted 9-year-old son, Edward Lysander Clark at the 389.2 Storytelling Festival 2019 in Singapore.
Window Story - Hope
Window Story - Hope - Storyteller Usha Venkatraman
Indian storyteller and puppeteer Usha Venkatraman tells the Greek myth of Pandora's Box.
Indian storyteller and puppeteer Usha Venkatraman tells the Greek myth of Pandora's Box.
Window Story: This too shall pass
Window Story: This too shall pass - Storyteller Usha Venkatraman
Indian storyteller and puppeteer Usha Venkatraman tells the persian fable of King Solomon's ring.
Window Story: Rumour
Window Story: Rumour - Storyteller Jeeva Ragunath
Indian storyteller Jeeva Ragunath tells about a subject that fits good into the time of Covid 19.
Window Story - Mit einem Stern tanzen
Window Story - Mit einem Stern tanzen - Storyteller Carola Bambas
German teller Carola Bambas tells a story about a Coyote falling in love with a star.
Window Story - Das geteilte Herz
Window Story: Das geteilte Herz - Storyteller Gudrun Wieser
Austrian storyteller Gudrun Wieser tells a tale about how a young man manages to preserve his girlfriend#s love while he has to go to war.
DECAMERONE 05/01 Cimon of Cyprus
DECAMERONE Day 05 / Story 01 - Cimon of Cyprus - Storyteller Marion Wiesler
Austrian storyteller Marion Wiesler tells how love transforms the retarded nobleman Cimon and how he wins his wife Iphigenie.
Read the original story in
English: Decameron Web
Italian: Decameron Web
French / Spanish: Digilander
Austrian storyteller Marion Wiesler tells how love transforms the retarded nobleman Cimon and how he wins his wife Iphigenie.
Read the original story in
English: Decameron Web
Italian: Decameron Web
French / Spanish: Digilander
DECAMERONE 04/05 Basil
DECAMERONE Day 4, Story 5 - Basilikum - Storyteller Silvia Freund
The Austrian storyteller Silvia Freund who is living in Berlin tells the sad story of Lisabetta whose brothers kill her lover who appears to her in a dream and shows her where he is buried, whereupon she disinters his head and puts it into a pot of basil.
Read the original story
in German:
in English:Decameron Web
in Italian: Digilander
in Spanish: Digilander
in French: Digilander
The Austrian storyteller Silvia Freund who is living in Berlin tells the sad story of Lisabetta whose brothers kill her lover who appears to her in a dream and shows her where he is buried, whereupon she disinters his head and puts it into a pot of basil.
Read the original story
in German:
in English:Decameron Web
in Italian: Digilander
in Spanish: Digilander
in French: Digilander
DECAMERONE 07/02: A New Use for an Old Butt
DECAMERONE Day 7, Story 2: A New Use for an Old Butt -
Storytellers Roger Jenkins and Alice Bianchi-Clark
Singaporean storytellers Roger Jenkins and Alice Bianchi-Clark who is of Italian-English parentage tell the story of how Peronella hides her lover as her husband is returning home, in a tun; which, being sold by her husband, she avers to have been already sold by herself to one that is inside examining it to see if it be sound. Whereupon the lover jumps out, and causes the husband to scour the tun for him, and afterwards to carry it to his house.
Read the original story in English: Decameron Web
Read the original story in Italian: Decameron Web
Read the original story in French: Digilander
Read the original story in Spanish: Digilander
Read the original story in German:
DECAMERONE 01/The Prologue
DECAMERONE Day: The Prologue - Storyteller Daisy Black
During the Covid 10 lockdown a whole lot of storytelling or writing projects took the idea or structure of Giovanni Boccaccio's "Decamerone" as a frame. One of the most amazing one was "A Modern Decameron Online Story Festival", initiated by the British mediavelist, storymaker, theatre director and folk dance teacher Daisy Black on Facebook and youTube. She wanted to gathe 100 stories in ten days, but due to the big success eben had to enlargen the project by another two days ans 20 stories. Th begin with, she told the opening to Boccaccio's collection of 100 novellas. Thank you for the permission the integrate this captivating telling into the DE_CAMERA_NE House of Stories!
Read the original text:
in English: Decameron Web
in Italian: Decameron Web
in German:
in French / Spanish: Digilander
During the Covid 10 lockdown a whole lot of storytelling or writing projects took the idea or structure of Giovanni Boccaccio's "Decamerone" as a frame. One of the most amazing one was "A Modern Decameron Online Story Festival", initiated by the British mediavelist, storymaker, theatre director and folk dance teacher Daisy Black on Facebook and youTube. She wanted to gathe 100 stories in ten days, but due to the big success eben had to enlargen the project by another two days ans 20 stories. Th begin with, she told the opening to Boccaccio's collection of 100 novellas. Thank you for the permission the integrate this captivating telling into the DE_CAMERA_NE House of Stories!
Read the original text:
in English: Decameron Web
in Italian: Decameron Web
in German:
in French / Spanish: Digilander
Window Story - Whose is this land?
Window Story - Whose is this land? - Storyteller Birgit Lehner
Austrian storyteller Birgit Lehner tells a traditional little wisdom story for World Earth Day (April 22nd), heard from the English bard and storyteller Nick Hennessey.
DECAMERONE 02/05 - Andreuccio da Perugia
DECAMERONE Day 2, Story 5 - Andreuccio da Perugia wants to buy horses in Naples
- Storyteller Vinita Bhatnagar
Andreuccio da Perugia comes to Naples to buy horses, meets with three serious adventures in one night, comes safe out of them all, and returns home with a ruby.
Contact: Dhondiyal@bangulab
Read the original text
in English: Decameron Web
in Italian: Decameron Web
in German:
in French: Digilander
in Spanish: Digilander
Read the original text
in English: Decameron Web
in Italian: Decameron Web
in German:
in French: Digilander
in Spanish: Digilander
Window Story: Tenali Rahman and the Robbers
Window Story: Tenali Rahman and the Robbers - Storyteller Jeeva Raghunath
One of the stories about a popular trickster of the Southern India.
Window Story: The Foolish Rabbit
The Foolish Rabbit - Storyteller Jeff Gere
Storyteller & puppeteer Jeff Gere from Hawaii and musician Steven Rosenthal bring this classic Jataka Tale (=Buddhist teaching parable) to life, adding an ending, for indeed, the world does seem to be coming to an end, And this old tale once again guides us, relieves anxiety and empowers our responses. It is part of a Jataka Show touring Hawaii's Buddhist temples (mid 2020 & 2021)
Decamerone 06/04
DECAMERONE 06/04 - Chichibio Cooks a Crane - Storyteller Roger Jenkins & Marco Luly
Marco Luly, a commeda dell'arte actor in Rome, and Roger Jenkins, a Singaporean storyteller, share the story of Chichibio and his ingeniuous solution to a problem of his own making. The story was part of a 75 minutes performance devised by Marco and Roger with Sabrina Zuber, featuring stories from the Decamerone, presented by the Italian embassies in Singapore, Bangkok and Yangon in October 2019.
Read the original story
in English
in Italian
in German
in French
in Spanish
Read the original story
in English
in Italian
in German
in French
in Spanish
Window Story: The Old Woman and Death
The Old Woman and Death - Storyteller Marion Wiesler
Austrian storyteller Marion Wiesler tells a touching tale full of humour about a very special Danse Macabre. Her contribution does not come without a cause: Having already published a novel about the Black Death, at the time of the outbreak of Corona she took up the experimental challenge to write another one about an epidemic, together with her husband, in only seven days: "Virus. Kuss des Lebens" ("Virus. Kiss of Life") is an apocalypse story yet full of hope.
Window Story: L'épidemie
L'épidemie - Storyteller Sonia Koskas
Window Story: Herr Salz und Frau Zucker
Herr Salz und Frau Zucker - Storyteller Sibylle Baumann
Mr Salt and Mrs Sugar were married, loved each other and lived together in a house of salt. But one day they quarreled and Mr Salt chased Mrs Sugar away, and she built a house of clay for herself. Nevertheless, one day as she needed salt for cooking she went back to Mr Salt but he was still furios. As Mrs Sugar did not want to cry fearing the tears would melt her she asked the sky to cry. When the rain melt Mr Salt's house he begged Mrs Sugar to take him in - which, still in love, she finally did.
List of Decamerone Stories already chosen by storytellers
List of Boccaccio's Decamerone stories already chosen by storytellers:
Day 1
1,03 (German/Italian, Italy)
1,06 (German/English, Austria)
Day 2
2,03 (English/Italian, Italy)
2,04 (German, Germany)
2,05 (English, India)
2,06 (German, Austria)
2,10 (English/Italian, Italy)
Day 3
3,01 (German, Germany)
3,02 (German, Germany)
3,03 (Francais, France)
3,02 (German, Germany)
3,03 (Francais, France)
3,10 (German, Germany)
Day 4
4,02 (German, Germany)
4,05 (German, Germany)
4,07 (Greek, Greece)
4,09 (German, Austria)
Day 5
5,02 (English, India)
5,03 (English, Singapore)
5,06 (German, Austria)
5,09 (German/English)
Day 6
6,04 (English, Singapore/Italy)
6,10 (Italy, Italian)
Day 7
7,02 (English, Singapore/Italy)
7,04 (English, India)
7,09 (English, Norway)
Day 8
8,01 (Dutch, Netherlads)
8,02 (Dutch, Netherlands)
Day 9
9,06 (German, Germany)
9,10 (Greek, Greece)
Day 10
10,01 (English, India)
10,07 (German, Austria)
4,05 (German, Germany)
4,07 (Greek, Greece)
4,09 (German, Austria)
Day 5
5,02 (English, India)
5,03 (English, Singapore)
5,06 (German, Austria)
5,09 (German/English)
Day 6
6,04 (English, Singapore/Italy)
6,10 (Italy, Italian)
Day 7
7,02 (English, Singapore/Italy)
7,04 (English, India)
7,09 (English, Norway)
Day 8
8,01 (Dutch, Netherlads)
8,02 (Dutch, Netherlands)
Day 9
9,06 (German, Germany)
9,10 (Greek, Greece)
Day 10
10,01 (English, India)
10,07 (German, Austria)
About Decamerone 2020: DE-CAMERA-NE House of Stories
The Project Decamerone 2020 is a storytelling initiative born during the global Covid 19 crisis 2020. In Giovanni Boccaccio's "Decamerone" a group of ten young people flee from plague-ridden Florence to a deserted villa in the countryside and pass the time by telling stories. During ten nights 100 tales are told that still belong to the world's most important works of literature.
During the Covid 19 crisis in 2020 storytellers worldwide have to pass their quarantine in individual isolation at home. Covid 19 turns the "Decamerone" into a "deCAMERAne": Stories are shared via videos recorded in the tellers' chambers (= camere in Italian) at home, with mobile phone cameras, iPads or computers.
The Project Decamerone 2020 is intended to be a sort of global House of Stories and a Home of Hope: a platform on which storytellers from all over the world share video recordings of the 100 tales of the "Decamerone" as well as other stories to cheer people up in times of crisis.
Project coordinator is TrobadOra, an association for storytelling, based in Vienna, Austria. The project was inspired by the Project Grimm that was initiated by the Federation of European Storytellers FEST in 2011 to celebrate the 2012 bicentennial of the first publication of the Children's and Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.
The aims and goals of the project are:
- To spread hope with a work of world literature dealing with a similar crisis
- To stimulate the sense of global community
- To create a multicultural project for storytellers all over the world
- To promote live oral storytelling as an independent art form in the world
The process / rules of contribution:
- Every storyteller wishing to participate in the project selects one of the 100 novellas of the "Decamerone" by mailing the three numbers of his/her preferred tales to the project coordinator ( First come first serve. The numbers already chosen will be marked on the Blogspot.
- Recordings of the telling have to be recorded at home (with a mobile phone camera, an Ipad or the computer) and to be uploaded on youtube. The youtube link has to be mailed to the project coordinator by the end of june 2020.
- This "House of Stories" also has „windows“ for stories that are not part of the "Decamerone": tales to cheer people up in times of crisis. Storytellers can contribute one or two tales from Boccaccio's "Decamerone" or/and for a „window“, but not more than two stories per teller.
- Whereas the novels of Decamerone are for adults only, the window stories can also be addressed to a younger audience.
- Whereas the novels of Decamerone are for adults only, the window stories can also be addressed to a younger audience.
- Stories can be told either in English or in the tellers’ mother tongue.
The project coordinator:
- will create and update the list of tellers participating in the project and what tales of the "Decamerone" they are working with
- will put the video recordings on the Blogspot by uploading their youtube links
- will help connecting participants
- will help making the project visible (in the media and on platforms of storytelling associations etc.)
Story Windows
Story Windows
This "House of Stories" also has windows for sharing stories that are not part of Boccaccio's "Decamerone", similar to the way people in quarantine nowadays share stories and music with their neighbourhood from their balconies and windows: stories to cheer people up, stories to strenghten the sense of community, stories of hope and healing, love and laughter.
Boccaccio's Decamerone Tales online
Boccaccio's Decameron Tales online
Summary of Decameron Tales (English): Wikipedia
Full Text:
Decameron Web (Contemporary English)
The Project Gutenberg (Translation by John Payne 1886)
Libero Digiland (Translation by J M Rigg, 1903)
Full Text:
Decameron Web (Contemporary English)
The Project Gutenberg (Translation by John Payne 1886)
Libero Digiland (Translation by J M Rigg, 1903)
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Window Story: Dear Zoo
Window Story: Dear Zoo - Storyteller Pauline Godson Oyoo Pauline Godson Oyoo retells a story for children written by Rod Campbell. Pauli...

Window Story: Dear Zoo - Storyteller Pauline Godson Oyoo Pauline Godson Oyoo retells a story for children written by Rod Campbell. Pauli...
DECAMERONE 06/10 - Frate Cipolla - Storyteller: Mario Costanzi This is a very special gift to the DE-CAMERA-NE House of Stories: Mario C...
Window Story: Rumour - Storyteller Jeeva Ragunath Indian storyteller Jeeva Ragunath tells about a subject that fits good into the t...