A "House of Stories" and "Home of Hope" with home videos of Boccaccio's "Decamerone" and other stories to cheer people up during the Covid 19 quarantine - recorded by storytellers all over the world
DECAMERONE 10/01 - Messer Ruggieri and the King of Spain
DECAMERONE 10/01 - Messer Ruggieri and the King of Spain - Storyteller Lakshmi V. / Kathaa Yaana
Lakshmi V., Indian "storypreneur and creator" based in Bengaluru, tells the story about the noble-minded knight Messer Ruggieri who feels hurt by not receiving the king's signs of appreciation and recognition that he deserves. Whereupon the king shows him that this is no sign of his disdain or indifference, but just a matter of unfavorable cirumstances.
Lakshmi has founded her own venture Kathaa Yaana, ‘Kathaa’ meaning Story and ‘Yaana’ meaning Journey in the ancient language of India - Sanskrit.
Read the original story
in English / Italian: https://www.brown.edu/Departments/Italian_Studies/dweb/texts/
in German: http://www.zeno.org/Literatur/M/Boccaccio,+Giovanni/Novellensammlung/Das+Dekameron/Zehnter+Tag/Erste+Geschichte
in French / Spanish: https://digilander.libero.it/il_boccaccio/translate_french/boccaccio_decameron_dixieme_journee.html
Window Story: Dear Zoo
Window Story: Dear Zoo - Storyteller Pauline Godson Oyoo Pauline Godson Oyoo retells a story for children written by Rod Campbell. Pauli...

Window Story: Dear Zoo - Storyteller Pauline Godson Oyoo Pauline Godson Oyoo retells a story for children written by Rod Campbell. Pauli...
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